3 Home Projects to Tackle While Social Distancing

Vern Harris of Grand Avenue Ventures has a few ideas on how to keep you productive and occupied during quarantine:

Are you running out of productive things to do at home? These five spring cleaning projects go beyond cleaning out the junk drawer!

Change up your living space.

Tired of the same wall color? Paint it! Want to look at something new? Try switching your wall decorations from a different room and use them in your main living space. Got a lot of unused wall space? Create a gallery of photos, drawings, images, and things that make you happy. Rearranging the furniture in your living space will also create a new atmosphere you can enjoy.

Deep clean the kitchen.

If you haven’t had the chance to deep clean the kitchen, now’s a good time to start. Take everything out of the cabinets so you can wipe them down inside and out. While everything is out, give your seldom-used dishes and appliances a good cleaning. Don’t forget to sanitize your knife block and clean out the microwave and oven!

Clean the baseboards.

Take some time to clean the baseboards in your home. Some soap and water or a magic eraser will do wonders. Once they’re clean, you can also freshen them up with a fresh coat of paint. You’ll be surprised at what a difference it will make.

Some other ideas that we want to share:

Clean out the pantry

Now is the perfect time to clear out old stock, spices, and dust the shelves. You’ll be surprised how many rogue cheerios have made their way into the corners.

Clean out the attic or the basement

As time goes on it is so easy to accumulate stuff – whether its an old lawn mower that youve been meaning to fix to some well intentioned tennis rackets that havent been used. Clean out these spaces where clutter acculumates and see if you can recycle or donate any old items.

Vern Harris, SRES

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