Focus Friday: Inspiration and Action Series

As another week passes in quarantine,  we are grappling with how to best handle a global pandemic from our living rooms or out in the field on smaller and more restricted jobs sites. Your goals may seem impossible given current circumstances.

In times like these we like to focus on the controllables. We aren’t looking for motivation. We are looking for action.

The team at Metrilife has put together a comprehensive article detailing step by step actions that you can take to move that much closer to your goals. That article can be found here. We wanted to highlight the segment about connections.

Now more than ever our networking skills will be put to the test. How do we generate leads when there is no face to face interaction? How do we keep up with past clients? How do we help others in our industry stay in contact?

You probably already have a communication and marketing strategy in place. This foundation is something that you can build upon as you adapt to the changing COVID-19 landscape. A few ideas for this include

  • Setting reminders in your calendar to reach out to prior contacts every few weeks
  • Making sure you are up to date with Zoom and Facetime protocols to ensure good, productive calls
  • Reaching out to friends in your industry and wishing them well
  • Hosting a Zoom or Facetime Hang Out with other companies in your industry
  • Getting involved with local association Zoom Happy Hours

Even though we seem more distanced than ever, theres no reason to miss out on a chance to build new connections and enrich the ones that you have already made.

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